If you have recently qualified as a teacher and are starting your first teaching job then you will most probably feel very anxious and worried. Many teachers worry if they are going to be able to control the classroom and help students learn and get to the level they need to. This is a common concern and will a few little bits of advice, you can soon put those worries to bed.
As with any time you meet someone new, the first few minutes will make an impression that lasts a lifetime. You do not need to be really hard and be shouting at the children when they come in. It may well be that many of them are nervous too, especially if they are starting school for the first time or have moved classes.
A smile goes a long way, so always start the day off by smiling at each child and saying good morning. Try and be firm but fair so ask the children to put their things away and sit down ready for register. On your first day spend a few moments introducing yourself and try and keep things light hearted. You have plenty of time to establish ground rules.