Why You Should Consider Supply Work

Many teachers have chosen the route of supply teaching. Supply teaching presents an array of benefits to the teachers as expounded below:
Supply teachers do not have to plan their holidays at set periods to complement the school calendar. They have the advantage of planning their holidays during off peak seasons and enjoying less crowded travel destinations. Besides, it is easy for a supply teacher to get personal days off. If you want to be with your fiancé on their birthday or enjoy an evening out with chums, you have the privilege of a time off. You can arrive in school at 8:00 am and leave at 3:00 pm and take a holiday when the demand for supply teachers is low.
If you have the required skills, it is easy to apply and find supply teacher jobs Leighton Buzzard. Unlike other teachers, you will not be party to planning, setting of targets, assessments and school meetings. Supply teaching separates you from all the time wasting meetings and paperwork. With this, you are safe from competitive environments, nagging from insecure teachers and pestering from parents and other staff.
Unlike teachers who will teach in one school for years, you can choose to teach in different schools. You have the chance to leave a school with nagging staff and find one where you fit. Though full time teachers have a feeling of security on their job and enjoy other benefits that come with full time teaching, supply teachers enjoy gaining more diverse experience. As you teach in other schools, you get to develop. You get a chance to talk to new teachers, assess their teaching methods and this opens your eyes to new ways of tackling things.
Earn as you Study
If you are hoping to embark on a MA, this could just be the job you need. It is easy to merge your supply teaching schedule and your MA classes. This way, you will get the capital you need to support your studies and the experience you need in teaching. With the insight of other teachers in your place of work, you will find it easy to complete your coursework and your research paper.
Retire Late
If teaching is your passion and you have done it for more than a decade, then you know how hard it is to drop your tools and leave it. After retiring, you can turn to supply teaching and do as little or as much work as you please and work on your terms. You will continue earning to support your retirement plans.
Easy Relocation
If you are thinking of moving into a new area, you can work as a supply teacher there for a few months and learn the way of life of the area inhabitants. Supply teacher jobs Leighton Buzzard also let you test the waters in different schools before committing to full time teaching. This way, you will know what you are signing up for and which school best suits you. Supply teaching is one of the ways through which you can prove your skills in a school you are looking forward to finding a permanent job.