How to make your lessons engaging

Research has shown that lessons which engage children are often more effective and allowing children to get involved in a task can help aid their learning. Obviously it is not possible to get children actively involved in everything you teach them, but most lessons can include a certain amount of practical time. When it comes to teaching maths, some children can find it quite boring and can easily get distracted. Try setting them work where they work in groups or pairs to solve a problem and try and make it fun. Often by using items for them to count with... Read More »

Help managing your time

As a teacher, your time is probably very limited and the smallest thing can knock your whole day or even week out of sync. All teachers have to plan lessons and mark work along with other task such as organise trips, carry out progress checks and hold parents evenings etc and fitting this all in to your day can be hard work. Far too many teachers are leaving the profession due to stress and are reporting time constraints as one of the biggest issues. Many teachers are suddenly expected to do extra work but are not given any time to... Read More »

Picture books

When my child first started school I was surprised at how many picture books she was given as reading material with very little or no words in. I felt that my child had started to grasp reading a little and was able to recognise and start to spell out certain words and wondered if using only picture books may set her back. After speaking to a number of teachers I realised the importance of picture books in learning and that they too have a great advantage to teaching. Picture books can be a great way to start a conversation with... Read More »

Supply teaching

Supply teaching is when you are asked to cover a classroom as a teacher. Supply teaching can be done for a short period i.e a day or even half a day or it may be required for a longer terms, such as to cover maternity or long term sick leave for example. A supply teacher will often find that their role varies from school to school and often even from class to class meaning that sometimes they will be working off lesson plans that have already been given to them and other times they will be responsible for planning the... Read More »

Choosing where to do your work placement

When at secondary school you will have at least one opportunity to go on a work experience process. This process is when you chose a place that you wish to work in for a week or two and will attend that work place instead of school to experience life in a working environment. Some schools will have a list of places that you may wish to carry out your work experience but you are often allowed to contact your own choice of company to ask if they would be able to accept you. When choosing where to do your work... Read More »