As a teacher you may be asked to run an afterschool club. This may be a cookery club, sports club or craft club for example. The idea of these clubs is to allow children to get involved in other activities and give parents extra childcare if needed. The government say that schools should try and offer these sorts of clubs as much as possible although they do not have to be ran directly but the school or school staff.
If you are a teacher and have been asked to run a club, you may worry about how this is going to impact your “free time”. The time after the pupils have gone home is often utilised by preparing for the next day, doing marking, planning or rearranging displays etc. If this time is suddenly used up by having to run an afterschool club, you may struggle to fit in all the work you need to. If the club is only going to run for a short time then you may decide to just get on with it and have to do a bit more work from home for those few weeks, but if it is going to be on going or require you to go out to other schools or venues for events then you may feel that you need to be given more time in school hours to get your work completed.